This site is about Spiritual Abundance. About love, loving yourself, loving others and loving the planet. About raising my vibration, your vibration and the vibration of the plant to the frequency of Love. I believe a “new earth” is possible if our spirits join together on a mission of healing. This site is a healing strategy for me and through sharing my journey toward self love and self healing I hope to assist others in their journey to self love and healing. I know that through our contact my journey will be strengthened and enriched. A wise man once said “If you need to learn something teach others” and so I am heeding that advise. And as I share what I have learned from others with those visiting this site, I also learn and grow. I have struggled over the years of my life with loving myself and feeling worthy of the love others expressed for me. Self love and self acceptance is imperative, we must let go of doubt about our worthiness and embrace the fact that we are enough, that we are whole and perfect as we were created. We must trust that the divine source of all did not make a mistake, that our creation was purposeful and deliberate and has great meaning.